Política de envío
We are using FedEx and DHL to deliver orders. Order are delivered from Monday to Saturday.
The delivery time frame depends on the product ordered.
For non-personalizable products:
You will receive your order within 7 days.
Delivery is 5.99USD or free for a basket value above 115USD for shipping to USA.
The security of the order delivery is one of our priorities.
All APM Monaco online purchases require a signature upon delivery.
All orders are delivered from Monday to Saturday by FedEx or DHL.
If you are unavailable to sign for your package, the messenger will make a total of three delivery attempts on three consecutive business days.
If you are still unavailable to sign for your package, the package will be temporarily hold at a local FedEx or DHL station near you.
APM Monaco will send you an email including the tracking number when your order is dispatched.
You can use this number to track your order on the website of FedEx (www.fedex.com) or DHL (www.dhl.com).
If you log in online to your APM Monaco Account, you may also follow your delivery by selecting My Account, and click on My Orders.
If you order has not been dispatched yet, we will be able to modify your delivery address.
Unfortunately, once your order has been dispatched, we cannot modify your delivery address.
You will need to contact FedEx or DHL directly in your country.
Please note that FedEx may charge a fee for a change of address within the same country once an order is dispatched.
FedEx will not accept any change of address in a different country.
APM Monaco will not be responsible for any extra shipping charges related to changing your delivery address.
The satisfaction of our client is our priority. We are sending the readily available products in priority. It is therefore possible that your order may be shipped in several times.
In this case, we will send you an email confirming the products sent.